Preplanning is the best gift
you can give your family.
Having your final wishes prepared for your loved ones eases the uncertainty many families face when a death occurs. When a death occurs, many decisions need to be made. When you combine that with grief and shock it can be an overwhelming time for families. Talking with your families and loved ones ahead of time can aleviate many of the questions they may have in an effort to honor your final wishes. This can open the door for many family conversations. Any part you can complete ahead of time will help when families gather to finalize the arrangements. Preplanning is the best gift you can give your family.
There is no cost to visit the parish and have your funeral plan on file.
A life well lived is a precious gift, of hope and strength and grace, from someone who has made our world a brighter, better place.
It's filled with moments, sweet and sad with smiles and sometimes tears, with friendships formed and good times shared, and laughter through the years. A life well lived is a legacy, of joy and pride and pleasure, a living, lasting memory our grateful heart's will treasure.
-Author Unknown
Funeral Celebrations at a Catholic Church happen either within a Mass or outside of a Mass setting. Both types of celebratons will include music and scripture readings, options to have your family members and friends involved in the celebration, and may or may not have the remains of your loved one present either in a casket or in an urn. At Sacred Heart, the Funeral Coordinators work closely with the family members to create a celebration that is meaningful to those who will gather with you, and which honors both our Christian identity and the personal legacy your loved one leaves to all of us. You can also "pre-plan" some aspects of the funeral liturgy for yourself or a loved one while they are still living or still active. This is a great way to ensure that decisions are not made in haste or when emotions cause instability in family relationships. We are here to help however we can!
Readings at funerals are to be from the Bible. These readings have been specifically chosen by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to bring comfort, peace, and hope. Poems and letters may be read only during the Remembrance at the end of the celebration, not during the Liturgy of the Word. We encourage you to bring any ideas you have to your meeting with the Care Ministry Coordinator.
The music selections listed in the Planning Guide below and at the end of the Scripture list are meant to get you thinking, they are by no means an exhaustive list of appropriate music. Any Liturgical Music may be used, and any favorite songs that your loved one or you felt were meaningful to you that are not liturgical may potentially still be played as a prelude or at the end, or at gatherings following the liturgical celebration. The Care Minister/Deacon will help you to choose appropriate selections for all parts of the ceremony.
Amazing Grace |
As Grains of Wheat |
As the Deer Longs |
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) |
Ave Maria (Schubert) |
Be Not Afraid |
Be With Me |
Be With Me, Lord |
Beatitudes |
Because the Lord is My Shepherd |
Behold the Lamb |
Blest Are They |
Bread For the World |
Bread of Life |
Bread of Life |
Bread, Blessed and Broken |
Center of My Life |
Come to Me |
Come to the Feast |
Eat This Bread |
Eye Has Not Seen |
For the Sake of Christ |
Gift of Finest Wheat |
Here At This Table |
Here I Am, Lord |
How Great Thou Art |
I Am the Bread of Life |
I Am the Living Bread |
I Will Praise You, Lord |
I WIll Praise Your Name |
In Christ Alone |
In the Breaking of the Bread |
Like A Shepherd |
Now We Remain |
On Eagle's Wings |
One Bread, One Body |
Pan de Vida |
Panis Angelicus |
Parable |
Seed, Scattered and Sown |
Servant Song |
Spirit and Grace |
Take and Eat |
Taste and See |
Taste and See |
Taste and See |
Taste and See |
The Supper of the Lord |
This Bread That We Share |
To Be Your Bread |
Unless A Grain of Wheat |
We Are Many Parts |
We Remember |
Worthy Is the Lamb |
A Mighty Fortress |
All Creatures of Our God and King |
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name |
All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving |
Amazing Grace |
An Irish Blessing |
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) |
Ave Maria (Schubert) |
Be Not Afraid |
Be Thou My Vision |
Blest Be the Lord |
Canticle of the Sun |
Carry Me Home |
Christ, Be Our Light |
City of God |
En Tus Manos |
Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
Fly Like a Bird |
God, We Praise You |
Goodbye |
Heaven's Now My Home |
Here I Am, Lord |
Hold On to Love |
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name |
How Great Thou Art |
I Heard the Voice of Jesus |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives |
I, the Lord |
In Christ Alone |
In God Alone |
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee |
Lead Me, Lord |
Let There Be Peace on Earth |
May the Road Rise Up |
Now Thank We All our God |
On Eagle's Wings |
Only In God |
Open My Eyes |
Parable |
Pescador de Hombres |
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow |
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven |
Praise to the Lord |
Prayer of St. Francis |
Prayer of St. Francis |
Prayer of St. Francis |
Sent Forth by God's Blessing |
Time to Say Goodbye |
Though the Mountains May Fall |
We Will Rise Again |
You Are Near |
You Raise Me Up |
Sometimes family members feel overwhelmed with the amount of tasks and decisions that are required after a loved one passes away, and it can be daunting to attempt to manage everything alone. We encourage you to think about the gifts and talents of those who were close to your loved one, and people you trust to help you process information and feel confident about decisions. Your loved ones can arrange pictures onto posterboards, create a slide show, create a worship aid containing the order of the service, greet guests, read a Scripture reading, serve as a Eucharistic Minister or Musician, or any number of other roles within the service. We are here to help you navigate this entire process, not just the aspects of the liturgical celebration, but also in dealing with funeral homes, cemeteries, and grieving family members who want to be helpful.