Saturday 3:00 – 4:00 pm
or by appointment.
Call the office at 920-739-3196
How to go to Confession
The Priest will begin with the Sign of the Cross
The penitent begins by saying, “Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been _______ (number of days, weeks, months, etc.) since my last confession. These are my sins.
Confess all mortal sins committed since your last confession by kind and number. You may also confess any venial sins.
At the end of your confession say these or similar words: “for these and all the sins of my life I am sorry.”
The Priest may ask questions for clarification or give you some counsel on a point from your confession.
The Priest will give you penance.
The Penitent makes an act of contrition in these or similar words: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all of my sins because of Thy just punishments. But most of all because they offend. Thee my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.
The Priest will give you absolution. (The words necessary for forgiveness are, “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”)
Annointing of the Sick
Annointing of the Sick is a Sacrament of physical, emotional and spiritual healing for those who are suffering from severe illnesses or are near death. By the power of the Holy Spirit and through anointing with holy oil and prayers of the priest, we are united with the suffering of Christ and offered the opportunity for healing if it is God's will. The sacrament is celebrated in combination with Eucharist and Penance/Reconciliation, if possible. Together, the sacraments strengthen us, gives us courage, and offers us peace as we face life's difficult health issues and old age. At Sacred Heart… We believe this Sacrament is for people who are facing major surgery, serious illness, chronic illness, and aging. The Church recognizes that people need the healing and strengthening power of Christ in these difficult times. It benefits both the sick person and the community by allowing all of us to show concern for the sick among us and to remind them that they are never along.
WHO CAN BE ANNOINTING Those about to undergo surgery because of a serious illness. Sick children who are mature enough to be strengthened by the Sacrament. Whose health is seriously impaired by sickness (including mental health) or age. Those who are elderly and weakened by age, even if there is no serious illness. You may receive the Sacrament any number of times in your life.