A volunteer is someone who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest. Volunteering as the general public knows it, is the charitable work done within an organization or group by an individual without monetary pay or compensation. Often within a church, volunteers are members that want to use their talents or their background, to aid the church and fulfill its needs with service and actions in additional to their monetary support.
"Everlasting God, strengthen and sustain all those who volunteer in our church; that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people; and grant that together they may follow Jesus Christ, offering to you their gifts and talents; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever Amen."
All our members - both old and new - have a place in our parish. Everyone has the opportunity to help Sacred Heart grow by sharing talents. It's only when we all put our pieces together that Sacred Heart Parish becomes complete. Jesus didn't draft his disciples; they came forward to reach out, and we here at Sacred Heart invite you to reach out to and share your talents with our community of faith. See below of some of our committees and contacts.